Category: Being Healthy


Should you Meditate?

Meditation and listening to music are relaxing activities that can improve health in many ways. Studies show that meditation has a protective effect on the heart, promotes sleep, strengthens the immune system, calms anxiety and reduces the risk of depression. Music helps relieve pain and anxiety after surgery, lifts the spirits and stimulates the mind and memory.

Meditation and listening to music are relaxing and fulfilling activities that can improve health in many ways. Studies show that both practices are beneficial physically, mentally and emotionally.

What are the restorative effects of Meditation and Music?

Heart protection

People who meditate reduce their risk of heart attack or stroke, and even death within five years. Meditation has a protective physiological effect against cardiovascular risk: it lowers heart rate, blood pressure, adrenaline and cortisol (a stress hormone).

Improved sleep

Anyone who had trouble sleeping saw a reduction in fatigue and insomnia episodes after a few weeks of mindfulness meditation This type of meditation, which revolves around breathing and awareness of the present moment, helps its practitioners find sleep at night by facilitating the activation of the body’s relaxation mechanisms.

Pain relief

Patients who listened to music before, during and after their surgery had less anxiety and required less pain medication after surgery.

Immune enhancement

Music lovers have a higher number of natural killer cells – a type of immune cell that attacks bacteria as well as infectious or cancerous cells. They also have increased levels of immunoglobulin A (IgA), a type of antibody found in the digestive tract and lungs to fight infection.

Stimulation of the mind and memory

People with early signs of cognitive decline showed significant improvements in memory and cognitive abilities after three months of engaging in simple meditation or listening to music.

Moral support

Listening to music improves mood by stimulating the release of dopamine (the feel-good chemical involved in experiencing pleasure and satisfaction). Mindfulness meditation may also be good for boosting mood and lowering the risk of major depression in people already experiencing minor depression, as well as reducing the symptoms of minor depression.

Reduced anxiety and stress

Mindfulness meditation works on anxiety and stress. Brain imaging shows that its calming effect is mediated by activation of brain areas associated with executive function and control of anxiety.


Why should you practice Sports?

It is well known that doing sport is good for your health! Here are 14 good reasons for practising sport.

Sport helps to maintain muscle capital

Sporting activity increases strength, endurance and muscle volume, and therefore helps to prevent injuries and various hip, knee and back pains. These are important benefits for healthy aging.

Sport prevents joint problems

Regular exercise promotes the nutrition and mobility of cartilage and thus prevents various joint pains and arthrosis problems.

Sport strengthens the heart and regulates blood pressure

One of the main benefits of sport is to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and thus optimise blood circulation by vasodilating the blood vessels. With training, the heart will therefore beat more slowly at rest and thus become less tired. The decrease in resistance during blood circulation will also lead to a drop in blood pressure.

Sport allows you to breathe better

Practising endurance sports such as cycling or swimming will help to increase lung capacity, which in turn helps to combat asthma problems.

Sport helps to achieve a slim and toned figure

Regular exercise will enable you to burn calories and thus facilitate weight loss. For slimming purposes, cardio sports such as swimming, cycling, elliptical training or running are to be preferred. On the other hand, to build up your body, you should rather opt for sports activities that are mainly muscular, such as dance, gymnastics, Pilates, cross-training, etc. Better still, practising high-intensity interval training (HIIT type) allows you to build up your muscles while burning fat.

Sport increases bone stock

Activating the body will stimulate the action of the cells in their bone-building role. This regeneration will strengthen your bones and also prevent osteoporosis.

Sport promotes transit

In addition to having more pleasure in eating, due to a better appetite, sport promotes digestion and thus offers an effective remedy for constipation.

Sport provides general well-being

A physical and mental well-being, due to the secretion of hormones such as endorphin, which generates a real feeling of pleasure, sometimes even euphoria. It often happens that after practising, you can no longer do without sport. Thus, a bit like the effect of a drug, we feel the need to rediscover this state of well-being that occurs following physical effort.

Sport improves mental performance

Aerobic” sports activities (endurance sports) improve the transport of oxygen in the body, and therefore the oxygenation of the brain, which optimises brain activity.

Sport facilitates the evacuation of stress

Sport has a calming effect thanks to the endorphins, substances produced by our brain. In addition, it allows you to clear your mind and forget your everyday worries.

Sport teaches educational values

Sport is often highlighted for the values it transmits: friendship, courage, sincerity, honour, modesty, respect, self-control, politeness… Generally speaking, sport remains an incredible school of life for young people. Find out more about the benefits of sport for children.

Sport instils willpower and tenacity

The goals we set ourselves in or through sport are rarely easy to achieve, and often require perseverance and patience to get there. In a way, this is what we find in everyday life, practising a sport can help us to move forward more serenely when we have to face personal or professional problems, we have more confidence in ourselves.

Sport helps you sleep

There’s nothing like a little physical activity to relax and relieve daily tensions. Good physical fatigue is the guarantee of a deep and restful sleep. Read also “Sleep better: 6 tips to improve your sleep”.

Sport teaches educational values

Sports associations and clubs bring together individuals who share a common passion. This helps to create links and broaden one’s social circle. Sport is often used for this purpose in the context of the reintegration of people on the margins of society.


Health Diet

What are the Benefits of a Good Diet?

Through food, we obtain dozens of nutrients that participate in all the functions of the body. When the requirements are not met, the organs start to have difficulties and diseases occur.

Balanced, complete and low-calorie Diet Benefits

Eating a balanced, complete and low-calorie diet has many benefits, both physical and mental, which are sometimes overlooked.

Here are some of them:

  • Improves mood.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Fights fatigue and chronic tiredness.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Reduces the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.
  • Prevents and fights cardiovascular disease.
  • Stimulates the nervous system and improves cognitive health.
  • Improves metabolic health and prevents overweight and obesity.
  • Increases the feeling of energy and improves physical and mental performance and also promotes the formation of muscle mass.

Basic tips for a good diet

A good diet is not one that excludes food groups in order to reduce calories. While moderation is ideal, it is essential to ensure adequate absorption of all essential nutrients. Therefore, the general recommendations for eating well are as follows:

Low-fat foods

Opt for sources of healthy fatty acids, for example, avocado, olive oil or fish.
Avoid saturated fats such as hydrogenated oils, fried foods and butter.
Moderate carbohydrates and starches
As long as they are not refined, it is good to eat small portions of pasta, potatoes or bread.

High fibre diet

Whole grains, legumes and vegetables are among the main sources of dietary fibre.
This nutrient is essential for regulating digestion, prolonging satiety and controlling cholesterol. It also helps to improve mood.
Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
To get adequate doses of vitamins and minerals, you should eat 5-6 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. This will depend on the size and type of fruit. In general, fruit and vegetables should take up half of the meal.
Depending on the type of vegetable, it is recommended that it occupies about half of a main course when it comes to a healthy diet, as stated by experts at Harvard University.
They can also be found in other healthy foods like whole grains and lean meats.
You can also see : Vitamin intake in diets

Limited sugar

White sugar, pastries, confectionery and all sources of sugar should be kept to a minimum.
This substance is one of the main enemies of metabolic health and weight, as shown by several studies in this area.
Little salt
Salt is present in dozens of foods consumed daily. In addition to limiting it at regular meals, it is advisable to check the labels on the packaging to avoid excess.

High quality proteins

Lean meats, legumes and dairy products are sources of high quality protein.
Consuming them in moderation every day is essential for recharging the body with energy and maintaining muscle and metabolic health.
Eat slowly
Chewing food well and eating it in a quiet place is also essential when eating. Food should be given the necessary time.

Divide the portions

Instead of eating three large portions, it is ideal to divide the dishes into five or six meals a day.
This prevents continuous “snacking” and in turn improves metabolic activity.
Changing eating habits is one of the best ways to promote a healthy body.