A strong attack of pain in small joints can often occur suddenly. Usually, the pain is in the big toe and sometimes in the knee. Gout can be acute. Extreme pain can result from touching the affected area. Gout attacks can last from days to weeks. The attack’s duration can be reduced with specific treatment.

To flush out excess uric acids from the body, sufferers should consume a lot of fluids (at minimum two liters per day). This is best done with water or herbal tea. However, fruit juices and beer (even non-alcoholic beer) should not be consumed under any circumstances. These drinks can also increase blood uric acid levels and worsen symptoms.

FYRON G1 CURCUMIN + FYRON G2 BOSWELLIA is the best Natural Supplement for Gout: Gout Treatment

What is Gout?

Uric acid is created during metabolism in the body. This happens naturally in the body’s metabolism of some substances (purines), found in foods and stimulants. It can also occur in the body’s cells. These purines are converted to uric acid and then excreted by the kidneys. Gout is a metabolic disorder where uric acid is not eliminated from the body to a sufficient extent. Crystallized uric acids can build up in the body. It is found in the joints, skin, and later in the kidneys, as well as other organs. Painful inflammation and secondary diseases can result from this accumulation of tissues.

When the body receives too many purines, gout can occur. Excessive consumption of meat, poultry, fish, and beer can all lead to gout. The disease can also be caused by normal intake of purines. The body cannot excrete enough uric acid. The kidneys don’t filter out enough of the uric acid in this situation. This is usually a congenital condition. Primary gout is the name of this type of disease. This also includes Lesch Nyhan syndrome. This rare metabolic disorder causes the body to produce so much uric acids that it cannot eliminate it completely from the bloodstream.

In this Channel you can learn all about Gout and its Symptoms: Gout Home Remedy

Secondary gout is caused by another disease. Leukemia, for example, causes blood cells to stop functioning and cause a large number to die. Purines are released from the cells during the cell’s breakdown, which results in the accumulation of large amounts uric acid. Anemia, tumors, kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and tumors can all lead to excessive uric acid. Sometimes, X-rays and cytostatics can also have similar effects.

Malnutrition is another factor that can lead to gout. Malnutrition is another factor in the development of gout. Too much meat, fats, fructose, and alcohol can raise uric acid levels, which puts strain on the kidneys, and joints. Gout can be treated by changing your lifestyle and diet.

Gout-friendly Foods

Gout attacks can be more frequent if you eat foods and stimulants high in purine. These products should not be eaten or used very rarely:

  • Meat
  • Sausage
  • Poultry, especially the skin
  • Offal
  • Fatty fish (sardines and herring, anchovies, etc.
  • Beer (also non-alcoholic).
  • Spirits
  • fruit juices
  • Ready meals and desserts containing fructose
  • Fatty foods

A good Diet is vital to fight Gout: Gout Diet

Gout Symptoms

Initial signs and symptoms are not apparent. Hyperuricemia is a phase in which the uric acid level has slightly increased. Gout can be characterized by a severe pain in the big toe joint. Other joints can also be affected, such as the foot or leg. Redness, swelling and itching are common symptoms for many sufferers. Rarely, the skin around the affected area will also start to peel. The affected area is very sensitive to touch. These symptoms can last up to 24 hours but may also last several days before subsiding.

Gout sufferers may experience symptoms of inflammation. Fever and headaches are often accompanied by weakness, decreased performance, and fatigue. Gout attacks can cause palpitations in some patients. Gout attacks usually occur at night. Gout is a chronic condition that causes the joints to become more immobile and exhibit deformities. Kidney stones can form in the kidneys. The skin and other organs can also be affected by uric acid crystals. Some damage cannot be reversed.

In this Pharmacy you can find more home remedies for Gout: Home Remedies For Gout

Gout – Causes

Gout is caused by high levels of uric acid. High levels of uric acids are due to the inability to eliminate excess uric Acid from the urine. Alternately, excessive uric acid can be produced by metabolic processes within the body. Purines are converted into uric acid from food and tissues. Crystals are a form of uric acid that the body can’t excrete. These crystals are found in the joints and other organs and cause discomfort.

Gout disease can be congenital. Gout can be caused by other underlying diseases. Gout is often seen as a disease that affects the wealthy, and it rarely occurs in countries with lower incomes.

Here you can learn all about Gout Symptoms: Gout Symptoms